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News Item: Hurlers win in Kildare
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The Creggan team that defeated Newbridge Sarsfields
Creggan travelled to Kildare two weekends ago to play a challenge match against Newbridge Sarsfields. This is ex-Creggan player Frankie Magurie's club so it was a special occasion for the Maguire
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News Item: Tackling Skills in Hurling and Camogie
Saturday, April 2, 2022

There is a course on Thursday 3rd April organised by the South West Committee for all club coaches in Hurling and Camogie.
The course is "Tackling Skills in Hurling and Camogie"
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News Item: St Benedicts College Fundraiser
Sunday, March 20, 2022

St. Benedict’s College are currently fundraising and have some wonderful memorabilia up for auction.

College librarian Paula Agnew is trying to raise the profile of the library in St. Ben  ... more
News Item: Reserves Scotland Trip
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The experienced captain and man of the match accepts the trophy for the winning Creggan team.
The Reserve footballers successfully retained the Sands McSweeny Cup last weekend in Coatbridge, Glasgow. Due to financial constraints with our younger members and O'Cahan Cup commitments, t  ... more
Event: Annual General Meeting 2021
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The date for the club’s Annual General Meeting has been set for Sunday 21st November at 12:30pm.

Please find the attendance, nominati
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Séarlas Ciceam an Creagán a Chairde.

Tá fáilte romhat chuig suíomh idirlín oifiguil Séarlas Ciceam an Creagán.

Ta Club Séarlas Ciceam CLG suite ar bhruach Loch nEachach ar an Chreagán i gContae Antroma. Tá club CLG gníomhach againn ina bhfuil 700 ball ar fad. Cuireann an club réimse leathan d’imeachtaí spóirt, sóisialta agus forbartha ar fáil don phobal áitiúil.

Bunaíodh an club sa bhliain 1924 agus tá sé ag freastal ar mhuintir na háite go dtí an lá inniu. Tá na cluichí Gaelacha mar atá peil Ghaelach, Ionanaíocht agus Camógaíocht ag croílár an chlub agus muid ag freastal ar gach leibhéal ó aois faoina deich go dtí leibhéal na sinsear. Áis iontach atá sa Chlub Sóisialta áit ar féidir leis na baill sinsearacha agus a gcairde sult a bhaint as cúpla deoch agus píosa craic. Bainigí sult as bheith ag amharc ar an suíomh seo agus a bhfuil le feiceáil air. Gliogáil ar leabhar na gcuairteoirí agus fág teachtaireacht do na baill. Déan seic ar na torthaí peile is déanaí agus ar an trachtaireacht ar na cluichí. Faigh amach cad iad na himeachtaí eile atá ar siúl agus cé atá chun tosaigh sna cinnlínte.

Tá súil againn go mbainfidh tú úsáid agus taitneamh as, agus go bhfillfidh tú orainn go luath.... Stiúrthóir Gréasáin

Welcome to the official website of Kickhams GAC Creggan.

Kickhams GAC Creggan is located on the shores of Lough Neagh in Creggan, Co. Antrim and we are an active Gaelic Athletic Club with a total membership of over 700. The club provides a wide range of sporting, social and developmental activities to accommodate our local community.
Founded in 1924 it has continuously served our community in South West Antrim until the present day. With a strong gaelic games ethos the GAC provides both gaelic football, hurling and camogie for boys and girls of all age groups from under-10s to senior level. Additionally the Social Club provides an enjoyable social setting where senior members and their friends can meet for a drink and a bit of craic. Enjoy perusing through our club web site and it's activities. Visit the Guestbook and leave messages for members. Check on the latest football results and match commentaries. Find out what other activities are going on and who is hitting the headlines.

We are the annual hosts of the Ulster U21 Club Football Champions Tournament which runs from January to March and brings in the best teams from all around Ulster.

We hope that you find the site useful and enjoyable, and that you will call back again soon.... Webmaster
Is mise le meas
Olcan McAteer,

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